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ECO-home Show Room

ECO-home Show Room

A Show Case like a Home

Shop Show Room






JieYu Studio

The Show Room design for ECO-home is a project at JieYu Studio, Shanghai. The hybrid design, blends vending place splendour with homey placidness.

ECO-home fields an heating system, which primarily works on a super thin, simply surface mounted membrane. The Show Room design combines aspects of product technology with elements of home outfitting. The visitor can experience the product on different levels: Peek at from afar or touch from close the appliances, feel the emanating warmth from a multitude of different surfaces, read and watch the multimedia installations and, last but not least, enjoy the shop keepers hospitality, chatting about the product over a coffee or drink at the bar or on the sofa.

Large windows showcase a warm welcoming living room. An information wall, reminiscent of a fireplace, invites to undertake a journey from early pre-industrial warm-water-bottles to the heating membrane technology of today and tomorrow.

Further aback in the shop, uncurls a ribbon structure, flashing flat screens with animations and case studies, an interactive wall and a home bar. The ribbon features the otherwise invisible membrane. The ribbon loop visually connects the main guest room to small compartments located on the smaller leg of the L-shaped floor plan. Following the band, visitors are drawn to an intimate felt-lined conversation corner. The rounded alcove equipped with the heating membrane demonstrates the adaptability of the heating system to a multitude of a different geometries.

A kitchen and a fully functional bathroom, both, further show the possibilities of the membrane in real life situations and, in addition, provide for a modern, employee-oriented work space. Receptionists and engineers, at the service of their costumers, themselves enjoy these facilities to overlap sportive workouts with their journey to and from work, as both rooms are fully operational and allow for a shower after running, biking or else.

Attention was paid to details, meticulously placed joints and the careful selection of materials. A textured plaster lets light trickle gently down the walls, leaving the spots on the displays. The Show room design not only tells about ECO-home's membrane heating system but warmth up to the idea of giving your home a new comfy make over.


Freischaffender Architekt H. Schumann

Helmut Schumann

           Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 71

           D-15344 Strausberg

           + 49 3341 311373

Architektenkammer Brandenburg

Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts

H. Schumann, Mitgliedsnummer: 1640

Mitglied im Bauprüfverband Brandenburg Berlin e.V.

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