Scope of our activities
Our office develops architectural design and architecture related design solutions. We work in construction planing, consultancy and on site management. Our scope comprises all services as listed in the HOAI (Honorarordnung für Architekten und Ingenieure).

Your individual Haus

Renovation and Refurbishment in historic Fabric

Furnishing and Finish

Sustainable Solutions for your House

Think Big!

Management and Controlling of your Construction Site

Our Experience – Your Advantage

Assistance and Guidance to eligible Funding

Your individual Haus
Architectural planning needs to be based on a thorough study of the premises on site, the definition of the objective and an applicable calculation of the expenses. We bring costs and concept into advantageous ratio. We provide design solutions, licence planning, submit the application forms and deliver the construction planning. Our expertise covers all phases of service as described in the HOAI (Honorarordnung für Architekten und Ingenieure*). Our practise is your interface for all communication between sectoral planning and participants in the project.Our planing will make your tailor-made house. Experience the power of customized design. We create space for your dreams.
We study thoroughly the premises on site and assist you to define the project. We balance costs and concept, on provide you with options. We deliver design solutions, license and construction planning. Our studio is your platform for all communication between sectoral planning and participants in your project.
We assist you with our expertise in contracting executing firms, bring in our knowledge and experience to the construction management, quantity survey and keep records throughout the construction process.

Furnishing and Finish
We pay attention to details. Experience textures, colors and lights differently and according to your demands. Interior design is of human scale and immediate dimensions in comparison to the whole of a building. We develop interiors for diverse purpose, from over all concept down to the very detail of furniture.
Our planing takes into account the large structures and to enhances their force. We seek to bring forward the qualities of the built architecture and to put them at service of your project.
Bathrooms fall into special focus of our design activity. In the bath body and built space enter into direct relation. The design of a bathroom is concerned with a multitude of fix installed features that outlast other interiors – a good reason to design with care.

Think Big!
You develop large projects. We bring in the innovative idea. ARCHITEKTEN SCHUMANN work out master plans and comprehensive concepts for the large scale. We provide analysis, urban planning and design concepts.
We are mobile to get involved and make a contribution to your project. We add with our genuine creativity to co-operations world wide. We enjoy to team up with others and are ready to take a lead in coordinating partners on your projects. We optimize projects in process and develop solutions also in short time.
We draw up the narrative, edit the concept and display your data comprehensibly. We produce your presentation that will inspire others and win support for your project.

Our Experience – Your Advantage
You have an Idea! We develop together with you a comprehensive concept. We collect data. We explore different approaches without prejudice. We compare alternatives and work out, together with you, the best way to achieve your goal.
Our experience in project development, design and construction will be at your service to put your decision making upon a solid base of information. We analyze the premises, point out opportunities and edit the results for your.
We provide you with options and optimize solutions until a first idea emerges as a consistent concept. We consult with you on strategic decisions. At the same, we produce the presentation to communicate your project to partners.

Renovation and Refurbishment in historic Fabric
Our architectural heritage endows us with a feeling of home and belonging. Old buildings have a material value handed down to the present generation and, furthermore, represent origin and roots.
Our planning secures the value of the basic fabric. Adaptations to modern commodities need to respect certain structural-physical constraints. Our professionalism in traditional building methods, feasibility, historical meaning and technical options will be at your service.
ARCHITEKTEN SCHUMANN study carefully your building for detailed knowledge of the structure. We design and accompany your project with competency. Together with you, we develop a project that saves the pleasure about traditions and useful convenience for generations to come.

Sustainable Solutions for your House
In Deutschland entfallen ca. ¾ des häuslichen Energieverbrauchs auf die Raumwärme. Die Größenordnung des Einsparpotentials ist deutlich. Energieeffizientes Bauen ist eine gesetzlich geregelte Vorgabe und eine Verpflichtung gegenüber nachfolgenden Generationen sowie von negativen Umweltveränderungen besonders betroffener Erdteile.
Wir untersuchen für Sie ihr Gebäude und beraten Sie zu Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten. Wir erstellen für ihr Projekt ein ganzheitliches Konzept, abgestimmt auf die baulichen Voraussetzungen und ihre Bedürfnisse.
Wir informieren Sie kosten und nutzen, klären Sie über die Vor- und Nachteile der am Markt verfügbaren Baumaßnahmen auf. Wir erläutern Ihnen technische und bauliche Anpassungsmöglichkeiten und übernehmen auf Wunsch deren Planung.

Management and Controlling of your Construction Site
Questions often arise during construction. Their handling requires knowledge about the big picture, specific expertise and communication skills. We chart out the schedules, handle the coordination of firms and supervise the process.
We count on personal contact and avoid paperwork. We stand ready, for both: our clients and the firms, to tackle questions quickly and to effect adjustments in place. Our goal is to create a working atmosphere of cooperation and hold down unnecessary costs. We favor to talk in person and avoid unnecessary paperwork. We stand ready, for both: you and your firms, to tackle questions early and to effect adjustments in place. Our goal is to create a cooperative working ambiance and to hold down avoidable costs.
We survey quantities, advise on quality and warranty regulations and inform you about what is state of the art. We are glad to identify to you opportunities for personal contributions and provide our consulting assistance.

Assistance and Guidance to eligible Funding
Several aspects of building activity are of public interest and may be entitled to funding support. Among these objectives are the upgrade of energy saving performance, affordable housing, preservation of historic and environment heritage and barrier free facilities are.
Our consultation provides you an overview to the current programs and their application. We inform you about requirements and develop together with you a concept that fulfills your and the programs conditions. We compile the necessary planing documents and assist with the application forms.


Interior Design




